
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Makhan Chor

Well friends, I am very pleased to inform you that after a very long time I had this wonderful opportunity to do a painting of  "Makhan Chor" (a request from one of my nieces). Then began the search on the net for a good picture and when that was finally found to my liking, it was downloaded and sent for my niece's approval which she okay-ed without any hesitation. So the painting (in oils) on the canvas started right away and I have been at it for the last 40 days. I finally managed to finish the painting a few days ago.With this painting, the void that was left in my blog has also been filled as the “Brush” part of it has been accomplished. I now feel that the name of my blog – Ladle, Brush and Spade stands justified! Thanks to my niece Veena.

 “Makhan” as you all know means butter in Hindi and “chor” means thief. Little Krishna’a childhood pastimes (His Lila) have earned him the nickname “Makhan Chor”. I hope I have captured in the painting his beautiful cherubic form, his innocence and the mischievous smile with that twinkle in the eye while stealing butter. Though I am satisfied with the outcome, it would really give me great pleasure if you all judge this painting and give your frank views or feedback on it.

I also take this opportunity to inform you all that I am taking a break from blogging for a couple of weeks as I will be away on a short vacation. So, here's wishing you all well in advance - A Very Happy, Prosperous and a Peaceful Diwali.

Makhan Chor 3

My better- half took some photographs at different stages of the painting -  two of which are being displayed below: