
Friday, October 10, 2014

Tofu Sandwich Spread

Off late I have started using Tofu instead of Paneer for the simple reason – its a healthier option. Sometime back I had watched Sanjeev Kapoor prepare this Tofu recipe on his cookery show which I had hurriedly scribbled in my dairy for later use.
The day finally arrived for me to prepare this Sandwich spread. I had some left over Tofu (after preparing Tofu Bhurji on the previous day) so thought I will try his recipe. But soon realized that I do not have the two ingredients mentioned in it namely; sun-dried tomatoes and pickled onions. So I substituted these items with tomato sauce and ginger and proceeded with his recipe.

I am happy to say that it turned out really good. It so happened that the next day, I had some close relatives who dropped by and since they are foodies, I asked them to sample it and give their opinion. I was pleased to see that they too enjoyed it.

You too can try your own version of this healthy and tasty spread instead of using the fat laden butter for sandwiches !

Tofu Sandwich Spread


Tofu 100 gms
Hung Yoghurt 1/2 cup
Green chilies 1-2
Tomato sauce 4 tsps
Ginger (chopped) 1 inch piece
Salt As per taste


  1. Drain the block of tofu and cut them into quarters. Squeeze out any moisture by pressing it with your hand and then place it in a blender.
  2. Add all the other ingredients (mentioned above) to it and blend it to a fine paste. The paste will resemble Thousand Island dressing.
  3. Remove it into a bowl and your Tofu Sandwich Spread is ready.
  4. Apply this spread instead of butter on the bread slices and have a healthy breakfast.


Preparation time: 15 mins
No cooking required


I used whole wheat bread and made sandwiches with sliced tomatoes, cucumber and capsicum and sprinkled freshly ground pepper on top.


  1. This is such a great idea. I love Tofu cause of its versatility and health benefits and your spread sounds delicious.

  2. A very healthy and nutritious spread! What kind of tofu did you use, firm or silky?

  3. Yummy n healthy spread..would love to try it sometime!

  4. Such a lovely spread nice presentation yum yum

  5. Healthy sandwich liked the addition of tofu,will try

  6. Yummy and healthy too...tofu spread is sooo good!!!!

  7. Over here, its always tofu. We only use paneer once a while. So, this spread is definitely on my mind. After all, my other half loves sandwiches and I know he will be delighted over your healthy version.

    Btw, I'm following you on networkblog, If you don't mind, please return the same. Thank you.

  8. tofu sandwich looks yemmy and healthy...

  9. Looks healthy and delicious sandwich !

  10. Nice and healthy dip..
    One thing I would like to mention here if you don't mind.. This black back ground is a strain to the eyes... even the posts are not easily readable. If you change to a lighter colour it will be nice...

    1. Thank you Shobha for your suggestion. Constructive criticism is always welcome as it helps us to improve.
      Frankly speaking, when I started my blog, the background was white. I was then advised to change it to black which I really liked and I still do - for the simple reason, that right from our kindergarten days we are all used to seeing and writing on the blackboard with white chalk. Anyway, I am seriously thinking of giving it a face-lift and I shall keep your suggestion in mind while doing so - whenever that happens.

  11. I & Monu Gillani are celebrating our very 1st combine event series - HM Besties Event #1 - Meat Lovers Month- U are most welcomed to link ur recipes here :) For details click here: Meat lovers Month

    1. Thank you Haffa Bexi for the invite. Just for your info, I am a vegetarian.

  12. aah..such an interesting spread..good one dear !!

  13. oh i still hate tofu...this sounds good:)

  14. This looks like a quick healthy and nutritious spread. My husband loves tofu. Should try it sometime! :-)

  15. Healthy and delicious spread..

  16. Thanks for visiting my space.Love the healthy & innovative spread.

  17. Shobha,
    This is a very good idea of using tofu, I would love to make this spread. For how many days it can be kept in the fridge.

    1. Thanks Sadhna. This spread remains fresh for a week when kept in the fridge. Try it out and do let me know.
